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Club News Update – April 4, 2023

April 04, 2023 4:31 PM | Anonymous

Here's a list of things happening at ACC over the next two weeks.

Bunnies play chess

    1. We've posted the latest results for Rd #3 in our Knight Moves 5-week tournament at ACC. Rd #4 will continue on April 17.

    2. April 4 is Class #2 for IM Mark Plotkin's Positional Chess online course at ACC. This starts at 7:00 PM and runs for 90 minutes. The new topic is General Blockading. Last week, it was Blockading the Isolated Queen's Pawn (IQP).  You can watch a video of that first lesson here. This course is aimed at intermediate and advanced students already playing tournament chess.

    3. April 6 is FM Michael Humphreys' first class of Marvellous Chess, a series on independent classes on some of the best chess topics/techniques to learn. Please see our separate new post on this cool topic. The first Marvellous Chess class on Thursday, April 6, 2023 is a free one, just as we did with Mark Plotkin's class on March 21, 2023.

    4. Pre-registration for the Toronto Closed Round Robin event closes this Friday, April 7 at 12:00 AM. Play starts on April 17. Currently, we have enough players to support three FIDE/CFC-rated sections of 10 players each. Once pre-registration has ended, players that obtain a seat in the TC (based on rating) will receive an email explaining how to final register and pay.

    5.  The next meeting of the Toronto Women's Chess Club will take place at ACC on Monday, April 17.

    6. The Club will be closed this Monday, April 10 for Easter. Have a great holiday everyone and we'll see you on April 17!

    Annex Chess Club, 918 Bathurst Street, Unit L2, Toronto ON M5R 3G5

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