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Chess For Everyone!

CTN Roundup

Tournament Synopsis:

The Canadian Transnational Chess Championship (CTN) was completed on Sunday June 11 with the end of the 9-round CTN Classic norms tournament in Montreal. The previous weekend, CTN Blitz and Rapid tournaments were held in Toronto.

CTN was co-organized by Annex Chess Club of Toronto and Maplewood Chess Club of Montreal. It had one of the strongest fields in the history of Canadian chess. More than 60 titled players, including 18 International Grandmasters (GMs) and 5 Woman Grandmasters (WGMs) participated in the three events. Fifteen different chess federations had participating titled players.

GM Toms Kantans (Latvia), won the CTN Classic finishing clear 1st with 7.5/9 points. GM Mateusz Bartel (Poland) and IM Shawn Rodrigues-Lemieux (Canada) finished T2nd with 6.5/9. Three other GMs—GM Awonder Liang (United States), GM Marin Bosiocic (Croatia), and GM Victor Matviishen (Ukraine)—and IM Nikolay Noritsyn (Canada)—finished T4th with 6/9. Both Rodrigues-Lemieux and Noritsyn successfully earned GM norms as a result of their excellent performances in the Classic. WIM Alice Lee (United States) was the top woman player in the Classic (T21st) with 4.5/9. Lee played against 8 GMs and 1 IM, and won her final IM norm as well.

Bosiocic won the CTN Blitz held on June 3 scoring 11/14, while Liang finished second with 10.5/11. Bartel , Cruz (Peru) and Rodrigues-Lemieux finished T3rd with 9.5/14. GM Evgeny Bareev (top rated Canadian player and former World #4) finished clear 6th with 9/14.

Liang won the CTN Rapid held on June 3-4 scoring 8.5/11. GM Razvan Preotu (Canada) and Rodrigues-Lemieux finished T2nd with 8/11. Four other GMs finished T4th including both Cruz and Kantans.

For additional details on this incredible chess championship, including prize fund distributions, please see our CTN news posts #1 (Blitz/Rapid), #2 (Classic) and #3 (Prizes). 

Below are some additional details about this important event.

The Crown Section of the three CTN events consisted of 63 titled players who had FIDE ratings ranging from approximately 2100 to 2651. There were 18 GMs, 18 IMs, 5 WGMs, 12 FMs, 3 WIMs, 2 CMs,  2 WIMs, 1 WFM and 2 NMs. Non-GMs were seeking to win a norm in the CTN Montreal Classic. The average classical rating of all Crown players was FIDE 2366. The average classical rating of all GMs was FIDE 2543. Fifteen different chess federations were represented. Some of the best junior players in North America were also in attendance.

The CTN's Montreal Classic was also part of the FIDE Circuit 2023FIDE Circuit is the new path to qualify for the FIDE Candidates Tournament 2024 which will be held in Toronto.  

There were three linked CTN tournaments:

  1. BLITZ ("B", June 3, in Toronto) - Crown Section consisted of 40 of the 63 players registered below
  2. RAPID ("R", June 3-4, in Toronto) - Crown Section consisted of 34 players of the 63 players registered below
  3. CLASSIC ("C", June 6-11 for Crown, June 9-11 for General Sections, in Montreal) - Crown Section consisted of 55 of the 63 players registered below.

The Titled Players listed below registered for this event and played in the Crown Section of 1, 2 or all 3 CTN tournaments.

In addition to the Crown Sections for each of the three tournaments, there were also General Sections—one for each of the Blitz and Rapid, and three for the Classic (Open, U1600 and U1300).

List of CTN Crown Players including their FIDE ratings (as of June 8, 2023)

1 Liang, Awonder (1) GM    
USA 2651 2508 2508 20 BRC
2 Bareev, Evgeny GM    
CAN 2631 2659 2678 57  BR
3 Bruzon Batista, Lazaro GM    
USA 2617 2608 2709 41 BRC
4 Bartel, Mateusz GM    
POL 2609 2540 2521 38 BRC
5 Neiksans, Arturs GM   
LAT 2605 2546 2491  40  BRC
6 Meshkovs, Nikita GM    
LAT 2573 2531 2537 29 BRC
7 Lenderman, Alexandr GM   
USA 2566 2646 2607 34 BRC
8 Bosiocic, Marin GM    
CRO  2543 2523  2576  35 BRC
9 Matviishen, Viktor GM    
UKR 2538 2424 2424 21 BRC
10 Liang, Jason IM   USA 2527 2378 2378 16 C
11 Cruz, Cristhian GM    
PER 2522 2506 2502 31 BRC
12 Almeida Quintana, Omar GM    CUB 2520 2478 2520 42 BRC
13 Moradiabadi, Elshan GM    
USA 2520 2566 2551 38 BRC
14 Szabo, Gergely-Andras-Gyula GM    
ROU 2504 2398 2494 40 BRC
15 Ortiz Suarez, Isan Reynaldo GM    
CUB 2503 2563 2540 38                   BRC
16 Kantans, Toms  GM    LAT 2486  2380  2429  29  BRC
17 Preotu, Razvan GM   
CAN  2475 2532 2407 24 BRC
18 Rodrigue-Lemieux, Shawn (2)  IM    
CAN  2469  2398 2405 19  BRC
19 Woodward, Andy (1) IM    
USA 2466 2353 13 C
20 Roussel-Roozmon, Thomas GM    
CAN 2462 35 C
21 Noritsyn, Nikolay  IM    
CAN 2462  2508  2459  32  BRC
22 Korley, Kassa IM  
DEN 2461 2471 2351 30  C
23 Posthuma, Joshua IM    
USA 2457 2429 2333 23 BRC
24 Sambuev, Bator GM    
CAN 2448 2478 2464 43 BRC
25 Vidyarthi, Vyom  IM    
USA 2436  2302  16  C
26 Heimann, Mark FM    
USA 2426 2411 30 C
27 Samsonkin, Artiom IM    
CAN 2420 2448 2524 34 BRC
28 Vavrak, Peter IM   SVK 2414 2432 2420 41
29 Msellek, Ilyass IM     
MAR  2405 2363 2288  25 BRC
30 Lee, Alice (1) WIM   
USA 2390 2350 2330 13 C
31 Krishnan, Varun FM    
USA 2378 26 C
32 Sai Krishna G V IM    
IND 2376 2344 2359 27 BR
33 Song, Edward IM    
USA 2375 2262 24 C
34 Atanasov, Anthony FM    
CAN 2367 2160 2328 15 BRC
35 Ivanov, Mike  FM    
CAN 2366  2288  2172  28  C
36 Wang, Tianqi  IM    
USA  2361  2347  2337  26 C
37 Plotkin, Mark IM    
CAN 2341 2287 2360 25 BRC 
38 Tanaka, Taira Tyler FM   
CAN 2315 18 C
39 Chiku-Ratte, Olivier-Kenta IM    
CAN 2311 2266 2355 24 C
40 Vettese, Nicholas  IM    
CAN  2283  2329  2230  19  BRC
41 Andersen, Gunnar NM   
USA 2283 25 C
42 Xu, Daniel  CM    
CAN  2276 1980  15  C
43 Hua, Eugene FM    
CAN 2275 2331 2241 20 C
44 Cervantes Landeiro, Thalia  WGM    
USA  2271  2172  2172  21  BRC
45 Kantane, Anna  WIM    
POL  2260  2099 2104  28  BRC
46 Ouellet, Maili-Jade WGM   
CAN 2243 2145 2077 21 C
47 Burtasova, Anna WGM   
CAN 2241 2265 2212 36 BR
48 Reprintsev, Alexander IM    
UKR 2238 2318 2229 65 BR
49 Lawson, Eric  IM    
CAN  2217  2301  39  C
50 Puri, Vinny FM    
CAN 2214 2227 2114 56 BR
51 Hernandez Moya, Yuleisy WGM   
CUB 2202 2170 31 BRC
52 Jaferian, Koosha CM    
IRI 2201 2160 2193 25 BRC
53 Zhou, Qiyu WGM   CAN  2201    2101 23 B
54 Zheng, Richard FM    
CAN  2192  17  C
55 Golubeva, Oksana WFM    
CAN 2179 2162 37 C
56 Demchenko, Svitlana  WIM    
CAN  2173  2088  2130  20  C
57 Plotkin, Victor FM    
CAN 2170 2218 2211 55 BRC
58 Johnson, Donald FM    
USA 2160 2264 2094 17
59 Barron, Michael IM    
CAN 2158 2224 2128 61 B
60 Dukic, Zachary FM    
CAN 2151 2248 2180 26 C
61 Han, Johnathan FM    
CAN  2140  2041  14  C
62 Gavrilin, Roman NM   
RUS 2128 2141 2068  20  B
63 Vidyarthi, Omya (floater) WIM   
USA 2081   1747 13 C


(1) = Identified in American Chess Magazine (ACM), Issue #31, as "one of the Next Generation of American Chess Prodigies."

(2) = U18 World Champion in 2022.

~Age was estimated by deducting the year of birth (per FIDE) from 2023.

Additional Notes:

A. Except for one, all 18 registered GMs are playing in the 3 CTN tournaments. 

B. The names above are linked to their corresponding FIDE player webpage.

FIDE ratings for Standard, Rapid and Blitz are also presented as at May 26, 2023. 

More information about each player can be found on, including more current pictures of the players. 

C. The two Toronto events took place at St. Casimir's Parish Hall, 156 Roncesvalles Ave., Toronto, ON M6R 2L4 on June 3-4.

D. The Montreal event was organized by Maplewood Chess Club, c/o the offices of Fédération québecoise des échecs. The address was Maison du Loisir et du Sport, 7665, boulevard Lacordaire, Montréal, H1S 2A7, Québec. This was during the extended week of June 6-11. Registrations for the General Sections for all three tournaments have also started.

E. Crown players must satisfy the Organizer's minimum registration requirements as at the start of the CTN. The Organizers may grant a few exceptions.

F. FIDE Rules of Play for the CTN Blitz and Rapid Events

    1. CTN Blitz - FIDE Laws of Chess – Law B.3 (inadequate supervision) applies.
    2. CTN Rapid - FIDE Laws of Chess – Law A.5 (inadequate supervision) applies.
    3. Phones must be turned off during play, and either left in a bag under the table or next to the chessboard face down. Non-players cannot use their phones anywhere in the building (violators can be banned for the rest of the day).
    4. Photos may not be taken once a round has started, until the round has ended for all players.
    5. FIDE maintains colour statistics, so specific results will be collected for each game.
    6. No food is allowed at the chessboards.
    7. Go to the restroom before the game.
    8. During your game, Law 11.2.4 applies, which is that ANY PLAYER must ask an Arbiter to leave the playing area.
    9. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 15 minutes after the completion of a player's round. A $100 deposit must be provided by the appealing player.

G. FIDE Rules of Play for the CTN Classic Event

    1. All player phones must be checked in.
    2. Spectators may take silent no-flash pictures for the first 10 minutes of each round.
    3. Default time is 1 hour.
    4. No food is allowed at the chessboards.
    5. Scoresheet originals and results will be taken by an Arbiter.
    6. Appeals must be made within 1 hour of the end of the round, in writing to Organizer Salim Belcadi, with a $100 deposit.
    7. For the General Section:
        • Up to two 1/2 point byes are allowed in the first 4 rounds.
        • Rating used is the highest of FIDE Standard, CFC Regular and FQE Lente.


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