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2023 CTN – Prize Fund Distribution

June 17, 2023 6:46 AM | Anonymous

CTN Official Image

Classic Crown Section Play in Montreal

Classic General Section Play in Montreal

The 2023 CTN Prize Funds were distributed as follows (all figures in CDN $'s):

Crown Section

  • Classic - $3,500
  • Blitz - $1,500
  • Rapid - $2,050
  • Bonus Pool - $6,500

Total - $13,550

General Sections

  • Classic Open - $1,750
  • Classic U1600 - $700
  • Classic U1300 - $450
  • Classic Special - $100
  • Blitz - $500
  • Rapid - $950

Total - $4,450

Combined Total - $18,000

Here are the CTN Classic Prizes for all sections:

1. Classic – Crown Section

  • 1st - GM Toms Kantens (LAT) - 7.5/9 - $2,000
  • T2nd - IM Shawn Rodrigues-Lemieux (CAN) - 6.5/9 - $750
  • T2nd - GM Marteusz Bartel (POL) - 6.5/9 - $750
Total - $3,500

2. Classic – General Section (Open)

  • 1st - IM Thanh Nha Duong - 5/5 - $1,000
  • T2nd - Daniel Pomeranz - 4/5 - $187.50
  • T2nd - Derek Wang - 4/5 - $187.50
  • T2nd - WIM Omya Vidyarthi (USA) - 4/5 - $187.50
  • T2nd - Mathieu Duval - 4/5 - $187.50

Total - $1,750

3. Classic – General Section (U1600)

  • 1st - Leo Auersperg - 5/5 - $400
  • T2nd - Marcus Sanders - 4/5 - $75
  • T2nd - Sartaj Banger - 4/5 - $75
  • T2nd - Ting En Ryan Wu - 4/5 - $75
  • T2nd - Xavier Portier - 4/5 - $75

Total - $700

4. Classic – General Section (U1300)

  • 1st - Vigneshwaran Krishnamurthy - 4.5/5 - $200
  • 2nd - Joseph Nguyen - 4/5 - $150
  • T3rd - Jean-Phillippe Cloutier - 3.5/5 - $34
  • T3rd - Rohan Mullur - 3.5/5 - $33
  • T3rd - Sasha Corps - 3.5/5 - $33

Total - $450

5. Classic – General Sections (Special)

  • < 12 ans/years old - TBD - $50
  • Top Femme/Woman - TBD - $50

Total - $100

Here are the CTN Bonus Pool Prizes for the Crown Section:

6. Bonus Pool – Crown Section

  • T1st - GM Awonder Liang (USA) - 12.875/18 - $2,250
  • T1st - IM Shawn Rodrigues-Lemieux (CAN) - 12.875/18 - $2,250
  • 3rd - GM Marteusz Bartel (POL) - 12.625/18 - $500
Total - $5,000
  • 1st Woman - WGM Thalia Cervantes Landeiro (USA) - 8.375/18 - $1,000
  • 2nd Woman - WGM Yulesy Hernandez Moya (CUB) - 5.875/18 - $500
Total - $1,500

Combined Total - $6,500

Crown Section Bonus Pool Prizes were determined based on a relative weighting of Blitz (25%), Rapid (50%) and Classic (100%) points earned. Here is a list of the raw and weighted points earned in the CTN Crown Sections of all three events. The Blitz was played in Toronto on June 3. The Rapid was played in Toronto on June 3-4. The Classic was played in Montreal during the week June 6 - 11.

Congratulations to all the winners. Prizes will be distributed shortly.

Here is a link to our previous news post on the CTN Blitz and Rapid events. That post summarized the winners and prizes earned.

Note: Any errors or omissions should be immediately brought to the attention of the CTN Organizers.

Annex Chess Club, 918 Bathurst Street, Unit L2, Toronto ON M5R 3G5

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