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Instruction: Mark Plotkin (IM) Teaches Positional Chess #2 for ACC – April 2023

Here is a video on Positional Chess (Class #2 of 8) that Mark Plotkin did for Annex Chess Club. The video is intended for both intermediate and advanced students of all ages. Here, Mark addresses general blockading. The video starts with Mark reviewing the previous week's homework assigned.

Here's a link to Mark's Lichess study for this video.

Some really interesting positions are reviewed here.

Instruction: Mark Plotkin (IM) Teaches Positional Chess #1 for ACC – March 2023

Here is a video on Positional Chess (Class #1 of 8) that Mark Plotkin did for Annex Chess Club, on March 28, 2023. The video is intended for both intermediate and advanced students of all ages. Here, Mark addresses blockading the IQP (isolated queen pawn). The video starts with Mark reviewing the previous week's homework assigned.

Here's a link to Mark's Lichess study for this video.

More great work Mark!

Instruction: Mark Plotkin (IM) Teaches Chess for ACC – March 2023

To the left is a video that Mark Plotkin did for Annex Chess Club, on March 21, 2023. The video is intended for both intermediate and advanced students of all ages. Here, Mark addresses three main topics over the course of a one-hour class. The topics are: calculation, candidate moves and chess improvement.

Here's a link to Mark's Lichess study for this video.

Fantastic stuff!

Instruction: Zhaoqin Peng (GM) vs Anna Burtasova (WGM) – Dec 2022

Anna Burtasova (FIDE 2261, w/black), Resident WGM of Annex Chess Club, reviews her Canadian team chess game against Zhaoqin Peng (GM, FIDE 2358, w/white) of the Netherlands team, in the 2021 Online Olympiad Top DivD Team Rapid event. The opening is an English Symmetrical game.

This 21-minute video is very instructional. We're sure you'll enjoy Anna's careful analysis and her charming and warm personality. A link to the game moves is also available here.

Special Event: Hikaru Nakamura at ACC – Nov 2022

This is a video of Hikaru Nakamura playing blitz chess against Evgeny Bareev at Annex Chess Club. This was part of Hikaru’s 3-day visit to Toronto (Oct 15-17), in which he visited Pub Chess (at The Madison), Chess in the Park (at High Park) and Annex Chess Club.

Special Events: Tournament Overviews of ACC's 2022 Ontario Open, Two Videos – May 2022

To the left and below are two videos that we did with the help of Ken Remark for the Ontario Open. The first video is a recap of the tournament. The second video contains player interviews.

Together, these videos confirm that this was a very special chess event, held at the beautiful Masonic Temple in Toronto—the first major over-the-board chess tournament in Ontario, after the COVID-19 pandemic.


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