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ACC Junior Tournaments Start January 8!

December 10, 2023 3:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ACC's motto is Chess For Everyone!

Everything we do is informed by this. This is why we offer tournament play and casual play. This is why we offer classes for beginners and advanced players.

This is why we launched the Toronto Women's Chess Club in 2023. At ACC we strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.

One area where we've fallen down is providing an opportunity for competitive play for younger players.

True, many juniors play in our regular tournaments, but many more cannot participate because the games go too late for a school night.

We're pleased to announce the launch of our Junior Tournaments.

These are classically-rated tournaments that will mirror our regular tournaments, with one round per week. Rounds start at 5:00 p.m. and have a time control of 30+30, meaning that games should be over by 6:30.

Aside from the short time control and early start, everything about these tournaments is identical to our regular tournaments. Players must record their moves, and these tournaments will be supervised by qualified arbiters. This offering is ideal for younger players who want to play serious games but can't play until 11:00 p.m.

If we have good numbers, we will have multiple sections; otherwise we'll just have one.

We plan to launch on January 8 2024, after our holiday break, but the actual start will depend on registration.

The cost is $10 per round, or $40 for a full tournament. A valid CFC ID is required.

You can sign up here.

Annex Chess Club, 918 Bathurst Street, Unit L2, Toronto ON M5R 3G5

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