News Post
This week (Thursday, April 27) at 7:00 PM, has our fourth Marvellous Chess class.
This is an online class taught by FM Michael Humphreys. There's great pricing (see below)!
Marvellous Chess (MC) means targeted online chess instruction that:
MC is targeted at club players who are at the intermediate or advanced level. Most players in our U1400 tournament section will benefit from this class as will many players from our U1800 section. Over the course of 90 minutes, students will receive instruction on three different topics (30 minutes per topic).
This week's three topics are as follows:
1. The Bishop Pair
Most content on the theme of the bishop pair will feature stunning sacrificial motifs, but do these examples really demonstrate the intrinsic value of the bishop pair, or did the author merely select their examples very carefully? It wouldn't be difficult to show equally flashy examples of the two knights in action, but it would be quite preposterous to take those as a sign of their superiority over bishops. In this lesson, we'll examine the fundamental reasons why the bishop pair is such a valuable asset. The techniques you'll learn in this lesson may not be particularly flashy, but you'll have a very good chance of making use of them in actual games!
2. Defending Against the Tromposky
Now that we've learned all about the bishop pair, let's put our knowledge to practice by studying a variation where we are quite likely to obtain this advantage. The Trompowsky variation begins with 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5. By placing the bishop on such an exposed square, white will quite likely need to exchange it for a knight. In return for the bishop pair, black usually has to yield the better structure and perhaps more space. In this lesson we'll see how black can make as few concessions as possible while still keeping the bishop pair in reserve for the endgame.
3. Spassky vs. Petrosian 1966 World Championship (Game 7)
An opening related to the Trompowsky is the Torre attack (1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.Bg5). This is an opening where knowledge of key positional themes is much more important than memorization of variations. For this reason, studying model games is the ideal way to study- and what model game could be better than this classic? It features a raging pawn storm, an exchange sacrifice, and an unusual checkmating pattern featuring three connected passed pawns in a middlegame!
Click on the image to Register
What a great selection of topics!
A single drop-in class for Marvellous Chess, with the 20% ACC member's discount, is now only $20.00 incl HST ($25 incl HST for non-members). Four-class bundles are also available. This is our special pricing to promote the Marvellous Chess theme.
Registering for the class will help you improve your game, and possibly even give you a winning edge in your ACC tournament game this next Monday evening.
Remember that knowledge is power!
Link to our original news post on Marvellous Chess.
Annex Chess Club, 918 Bathurst Street, Unit L2, Toronto ON M5R 3G5